Every blog starts off with an awkward emptiness post about the blog being launched, here’s mine.
After 5 years of a coming soon page and nine revisions of this website never going live due to the death of inspiration, I have given up the dream of a design being perfect and going with the last design, which was created well over three years ago. Sometime’s life just feels that busy. What a coincidental segue…
What pushes me to ensure I have a blog running right now is that I have decided to turn my life upside down. December 30th I gave notice in my apartment building, January 6th I gave notice at my job. I’m young and successful but missing direction internally and so have picked up, moving to Argentina and Freelancing from abroad. Something I’ve dreamt of for years, and feel confident that now’s a time when I can make the dream happen, if only for a few months.
My initial plan is for 3 months, and we will see how I feel nearer then. Alas, let’s not discuss too much, we have weeks before anything like that is needed.