BA Expats website lying to its users

To me, life’s always been simple: Black & White. Get busy livin’, or get busy dyin’. Unsurprisingly, I see no difference on the Internet:

There are people making it better and people making it worse.

To me, BA Expats (marketed: Buenos Aires Expats – Online Community of Expatriates and guide to living in Buenos Aires, Argentina) is one of those who moves the Internet backwards.

By disallowing members of their forum community to post certain keywords (like their investors competitor names) they withhold information from the community. How can you be a “Buenos Aires Expats guide to living in Buenos Aires” when you don’t even allow the people who live here to share their experiences with each other openly? Stop lying.

I asked about it on the forums and how did they react? Well naturally, they canceled my account. Lame.

I’m all for capitalism, but moreso than anything, when you run a website with an online community you must be open to the communities discussion, allowing free-flow of information. These are the members that make up your community. If you want to tout your business and not allow others to do so then that’s one thing, but if you’re not allowing the actual community to share with others their experiences… Then to me you’re not helping, you’re hindering.

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